Tuesday, August 03, 2004

Who likes their gossip hot?

A couple bits of gossipy crap courtesy of the New York Post's Rush and Milloy:

Kerry's bipartisan band
Sen. John Kerry mentioned at the Democratic Convention that his prep school garage band, The Electras, may be getting back together. But already there's partisan squabbling.

Jack Radcliffe, Larry Rand, John Prouty, Peter Lang and Andy Gagarin, who all attended St. Paul's with Kerry, recently got together in Hartford, Conn., to talk about re-releasing the Electras album.

At first, everybody got along fine. But Rand says "the reunion disintegrated" when the band couldn't agree on whether to go with an established label or distribute it themselves. They also couldn't agree on how to spend the potential profits.

Democratic Electras "wanted to send the profits" to the Kerry camp, Rand tells the New Bedford Standard-Times. But Republicans Radcliffe and Gagarin would hear none of it.

"If the proceeds from my songs go to the Democratic National Convention, I'll be worked up," said Radcliffe.

The band's two factions have decided to re-release two separate albums.

You can buy the Kerry-friendly version at http://www.elextrasrockandrollband.com/.

The Grateful Dead's Bob Weir is pleading with Deadheads everywhere not to vote for Ralph Nader. Performing on Saturday in Boston, Weir told the band's followers to be sure to vote, but the exorted, "Don't vote for Nader. I know him. He's an a--hole," our spies tell us. The band then broke into "Johnny B. Goode," a theme song of the Kerry-Edwards campaign ...

In another bit of news, the husband half of this married gossip team went to Brown University and got a master's degree in journalism from Columbia University, which isn't, you know, a bad school for journalism... if you like your schools internationally regarded as premier learning institutiona for a particular field. This makes George Malloy the front-runner for this year's Marilyn Vos Savant Memorial "Waste of a High IQ" Award.


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