Wednesday, September 01, 2004

Did you get your heartache and your head rush confused...

I don't know what a $2 Bill show is because I am an old man, out of touch with the new MTV generation and their practical jokes and VJs named La La. Give me the good old fashioned Kevin Seals of the world, Dave Kendell hosting "120 Minutes". Hell, give me Kennedy hosting "120 Minutes". Give me the adolescent rush of pink miniskirts on Club MTV that caused afternoons of self-love. Ahem... Anyway, from the Secret Machines:
Secret Machines MTV2 $2 Bill Show

The band will be recording an MTV2 $2 Bill show on Tuesday, Sept 14th at The Roxy in Boston along with The Killers. Tickets will go on sale on the 10th. Stay tuned for airdates on the channel.


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