Thursday, February 17, 2005
Song of the day, part deux...
I hate to admit getting into songs because they're used in commercials, and I hate these commercials in particular, but I downloaded the Concretes' "Say Something New" from iTunes the other day after hearing it in a few Target ads. I have certain musical buttons, and when these buttons are pushed, I become a slut for a particular song. And this song hit a few of them:
- The vaguely European girl singer who can't be bothered and seems to be singing with something in her mouth (and no, I'm not being dirty)
- That martial, 50s-girl-group drum beat (bomp...bomp-bomp...bomp... bomp-bomp)
- Tamborine
- The slow and steady build-up
- Three words: Squealing. Hammond. Organ.