Tuesday, June 21, 2005
This is all I can take/ this is how a heart breaks...
It's already been documented how much Rob Thomas' "This Is How A Heart Breaks" absolutely fucking sucks as an NBA Finals theme. But it deserves another meantion. It makes me think Congress really should apologize for lynching. I read Rob's "Woe is me" article in GQ. And I felt bad for second. A quick second. But boo-hoo-fucking-hoo. If you're listening to Wilco and putting out the shit he does, would you be surprsied Tweedy sees you as a musical pariah? I don't think Mr. Thomas walked in and said, "this should should sound like a ghost is born". Fuck you, Rob Thomas. You are a musical pariah. Boo. Fucking. Hoo.
By the way, cheers to Morningstar Chik Patties. And free Jack and Cokes at the Childe Harold. Jeers to AIDS in Africa.
By the way, cheers to Morningstar Chik Patties. And free Jack and Cokes at the Childe Harold. Jeers to AIDS in Africa.